
I am not a Medicaid provider. I do not accept Medicaid at this time.

There is a shortage of Medicaid providers in Nevada.

Who accepts Medicaid for behavioral / mental health services?

The State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Health Care Financing and Policy provides a web search of all Medicaid providers in Nevada.

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid is a government-funded and administered health insurance program for low-income individuals and families who cannot afford basic health care costs. Medicaid also serves low-income parents, children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Nevada began expanding Medicaid coverage to more low-income adults than ever on January 1, 2014.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) created a way for eligible individuals to obtain access to health insurance coverage that they can afford by requiring states to implement a single-stream application process for enrolling in insurance programs. Nevada’s version of this process in applying for affordable health insurance is called Nevada Health Link.

Who qualifies for Medicaid?

The Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) determines who qualifies for services reimbursement in Nevada, but Nevada Health Link’s application process will alert applicants when an individual or family member is eligible for services from a qualified Medicaid providers, as well as assist in enrollment.

In general, Medicaid provides health care coverage for Nevadans who are:

  • families with children and a household income that is at or below 133% percent of the poverty level;
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients;
  • certain Medicare beneficiaries;
  • receiving adoption or foster care assistance; or
  • children that are becoming too old to remain in foster care.

Detailed information about Medicaid eligibility for Nevadans is available at, or by calling 1-800-992-0900.